We are selective when it comes to quality talent. We hire Bachelors and Masters candidates from Engineering streams and Masters from Computer Application and Business Management courses for various roles in the organization. The candidates from technology schools applying to Mphasis are filtered based on a minimum average academic score of 60% in their course program.


The filtered technology school applicants are then processed through these elimination rounds: Aptitude Test; Personal Interview; and Communication Test. Successful candidates are then issued a Letter of Intent. They are contacted when the training batches are scheduled. Candidates are finally given permanent offer letters after joining the company on the scheduled date, subject to the completion of joining formalities. Typically, the technology hires can find opportunities in these areas:


Production Maintenance
Application Development
Research & Development
Product Development


Freshers from Business Schools are typically picked for roles as:

Business Analysts
Support Management
Business Operations Management
Strategic Development

next gen data
cyber security
experience design
next gen data
cyber security
experience design

Robust Onboarding and Induction


Induction programs aim to win the recruit’s commitment toward the job and organization, while orientation and training help them understand and adapt to organizational culture.


Cross-department Initiation

New recruits are introduced to the organization and its offerings.


HR runs requests and processes documentation.

automation icon 

Onboarding is automated to ensure employee information accuracy.

Initial Days at Mphasis

Easy and smooth transition facilitated by:

Buddy Program
All new joiners are assigned a Buddy who:

• Helps the recruit assimilate organizational culture.
• Helps them gain insights about organizational structure and value systems.
• Assists them in getting accustomed to their project SOPs.

Key Interactions
New joiners are involved in frequent interactions with HR, Business Partners and Delivery Managers. Here they:

• Are familiarized with company policies and operations.
• Receive support to address their concerns.

Future at Mphasis

At Mphasis, there is no probation period. We strongly encourage training and development to help you grow and advance. We facilitate this via:

Specialized Training Programs

- to support the integration of all recruits into our dynamic business environment.

Focused Instructor-led Courses

- to develop knowledge on domain, technical expertise and soft skills.

Leadership Development Programs

- to build and nurture a pool of successful industry leaders.